Moses in our Business World
by Jeanine Hage

You are a talented leader, and you communicate a sound vision. You have hand-picked a team of A players to carry it out. The results you are getting are not what you had expected, and you are trying to figure out who, what, when and where it went all wrong. […]

If you don’t know the name of the person who cleans your office, you might need coaching on leadership
by Jeanine Hage

I recently read an article in the New York Times featuring an interview with Walt Bettinger, CEO of the Charles Schwab Corporation. […]

How a Lemon Cake Revealed Millions of Dollars of Waste
by Jeanine Hage

The indicators of success in business endeavors are sometimes found in the most unexpected places. In this case, a simple mix of dough, sugar, and icing accurately pointed out to a group of executives and board members the probability of […]

Agilists, are you using the Force properly?
by Jeanine Hage

Scrum Master! As pompous as this role sounds, it has been widely misused. The definitions I hear:  Facilitator, secretary of the team, just make sure the team members have what they need to self-manage and get out of the way […]

Why are CRM implementations so painful?
by Jeanine Hage

I hear it all the time, almost on a daily basis: “We implemented CRM and it is painful!” After the implementation, teams are faced with multiple challenges: resistance to change especially from the most important users, incomplete […]

Do you have control over your daily dose of information?
by Jeanine Hage

Social media - I can’t help it but picturing it as being many people in a room talking at the same time. I use LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook but as many of my “friends” are starting to deactivate their accounts, I wonder if it is […]

Le Leadership féminin dans le monde des affaires
by Jeanine Hage

Dans un monde qui cherche son identité, tiraillé entre l’ouverture économique et l’instinct de conservation, comment se définit le rôle de la femme et de son leadership? Beaucoup d’encre se verse et se versera à suivre la place […]

Entrepreneure ou cadre?

by Jeanine Hage

Je suis tombée sur un livre rédigé par une gestionnaire influente d’une grosse chaîne médiatique aux États-Unis, intitulé « Play like a man, win like a woman : what men know about success that women need to learn ». Ce […]

Besoin de communiquer? Gazouillez. (Apparemment!)
by Jeanine Hage

« C’est quoi apprivoiser », demanda la Petit Prince. « Apprivoiser, c’est créer des liens », répondit le renard. A l’ère des réseaux sociaux, des courriels ainsi que des téléphones intelligents, qui nous servent de téléphone […]

Et si la femme est devenue sa propre ennemie?
by Jeanine Hage

En un samedi matin pluvieux, confortablement installée dans mon fauteuil avec une tasse de thé dans la main, je parcours le blogue de, la section Gestion. Je tombe sur un article qui parle des stéréotypes qui […]